Attractions & things to do for the kids in your life

Toronto Fun Blog: top fun lists
List of TOP tips and suggestions from an author’s point of view (and a mother’s) to help you navigate the sea of information out there.

1. TOP-10 tips for successful SCHOOL fairs
(Categories: TOP fun lists, For parents)
... the most complex or expensive. Nathalie's TOP-10 tips for successful School Fairs • Define success: Define what is a "successful" fair for you. In our school, the goal was to end the school year with ...

2. TOP-10 suggestions for photo ops during school fairs
(Categories: Pinterest, TOP fun lists, For parents)
For parents involved with the school council As a member of the school council, my job was to organize the year-end family parties. Based on my experience, here are 10 cool ideas for photo ops during ...

3. TO-10 March Break crafts and games
(Categories: For artsy kids, TOP fun lists)
March Break week and nothing special planned for the occasion? Join the club! These are my TOP-10 craft or game ideas found on Pinterest that you might have time to try during the March Break. You'll ...

4. How to use Toronto Fun Places
(Categories: TOP fun lists, How to use the guide)
Follow the (paper) guide on family activities! Toronto Fun Places, the guidebook behind this website is currently in its 5th edition (sold in bookstores around the Greater Toronto Area and on Amazon). ...

5. TOP-10 fun things to do with tissues and boxes
(Categories: TOP fun lists, For artsy kids)
It's cold season again. I don't know about you but in my house, everyone is currently sneezing and blowing their nose. That's a lot of Kleenex boxes to recycle! Here are my TOP-10 fun things to do ...

6. Lego Movie TOP-10 fun trivia
(Categories: About movies, TOP fun lists)
... Lord Business (Will Ferrell) who is bent  on destroying the universe by gluing it together. Here are the top-10 pieces of fun trivia I found about this movie. I think you will appreciate leaning ...

... on Bay, then east on Queens Quay, with a stop by Harbourfront Centre. (You will have to go to the corner of Lake Shore and Simcoe Street to catch the 509 back to Union Station.) Instead, I suggest ...

8. TOP-5 personalized Christmas gifts
(Categories: TOP fun lists)
My TOP-5 personalized Christmas gifts found on Pinterest Wondering what to give to kids who seem to have everything? I've always worked around this (first world) problem by making personalized gifts. ...

9. Top-10 Lego Ideas on Pinterest
(Categories: For artsy kids, TOP fun lists)
... Discovery Centre in Vaughan Mills)... <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/templates/j960/ad200x200.php"); ?> Here are my top-10 Lego ideas you'll find on my board "Writer's (Lego) ...

10. TOP-5 tips to better enjoy Ripley's Aquarium
(Categories: For animal lovers, TOP fun lists)
Get the most out of your visit to Toronto's new aquarium! We went to visit the new Ripley's Aquarium on Sunday December 29 at the end of the afternoon. I assumed the crowd would be thinning by ...

Buy the book Toronto Street Art Strolls

Nathalie's tips for a smooth outing

After years of doing all kinds of outings with my children, I can assure you the secret to a perfect outing lies in the details, not the destination.
